Screenshot of the first page of Commoning's Diversity and Inclusion Calendar

Advocate with Commoning’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar!

Introducing Commoning’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar!

This comprehensive calendar is a curated compilation of world observance days dedicated to social justice, encompassing both official United Nations world days and those recognized by practitioners in the field. Covering all twelve months of the year, each diversity ground is represented by its own distinctive pictogram, making it easy to find the diversity days you are interested in.

Age icon is a birthday cake; Disability icon is a women in a wheelchair; Gender expression icon is a rainbow; Intersectionality icon is 3 crossing circles; Migration icon is a flying dove; Minorities icon is a white slice of a black pie chart; Race and origin is a palm of a hand; Religion and beliefs is praying hands; Sexual orientation is a heart; Socio-economic status is a banknote

Developed from an original concept by Nadège Riche, Founder of Commoning, and brought to life through the graphic design expertise of Lila Sylviti from say it easy, this calendar is more than just a tool—it’s a platform to advocate for and raise awareness about crucial issues such as social justice, equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Let’s celebrate our humankind’s diversity together!

Download the (PDF) Commoning’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar (1185 MB) and start making a difference today!

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