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Newsletter of 21st June 2024

✨Celebrating what we have in common as human beings🌏

Dear colleagues, partners, and friends,

As I reflect on the work we do together, reaching across continents and cultures, I am reminded of the profound connections we share despite existing differences. In this spirit of global solidarity, I wanted to choose a meaningful time to send this newsletter – a time that resonates universally.

That is how I realized the perfect moments: the solstices and equinoxes. These natural phenomena, marking the changes in the Earth’s inclination and shifting of seasons, are experiences that unite us all. No matter where we are, we are all touched by the transformation of light.

Therefore, I have decided to send out a newsletter on every solstice and equinox. This symbolizes what Commoning is about: seeking and celebrating what we share and have in common as human beings.

Happy solstice,


Nadege seating at a meeting with representatives of AFHAM, a Malgasy association of women with disabilities

Supporting the Ministry of Population and Solidarity to develop the Madagascar’s National Policy for Persons with Disabilities

2023-24 | Madagascar

3 mid-term takeaways:

  • Inclusive process: We followed a method that values fair and inclusive political processes, ensuring that policy content, involved actors, and the overall context are all equally important. This helps achieve more equitable outcomes.
  • Listening to needs: The policy ought to focus on the expressed needs of persons with disabilities, especially the most overlooked groups like girls with disabilities, albino individuals, and people with intellectual disabilities. In Madagascar, this is about prioritising the areas of health, rehabilitation, education, and livelihoods.
  • Creating a framework: While the policy won’t instantly solve all problems, it sets up a framework for coordinated actions and clear responsibilities. This is an essential first step towards making real improvements.

Working together with Disability Rights Specialist An-Sofie Leenknecht

With the continuous support from UNICEF Madagascar

A group of people with diverse socio-demograhic characteristics with the 2-hands-on-cards logo of the diversity fresco

Commoning – my intersectionality initiative

Enriching my practice with tools to fight intersectional discrimination , I am now a proud Diversity Fresco facilitator!

About the Diversity Fresco:

  • A collective intelligence workshop whereby participants explore how our minds work with discrimination, learn ways to reduce it, discuss their effectiveness, and develop a shared language to promote a more inclusive society
  • Grounded in cognitive science and social psychology
  • Created by ESSEC Business School and Belugames

As a Diversity Fresco facilitator, I organise:

  • 3-hour on-site workshops
  • Engaging 10 to 16 participants
  • Alternating 5 rounds of card placement and mini-games
  • With the 41 cards and material included

Let’s work together

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