Empower your team with the Diversity Fresco!
Understanding discrimination is the first step to fostering an inclusive workplace: the Diversity Fresco makes this possible without prior knowledge.
Here you will find all documentation, sensitisation or training material about gender, disability and intersectionality produced by Commoning.
Understanding discrimination is the first step to fostering an inclusive workplace: the Diversity Fresco makes this possible without prior knowledge.
Introducing Commoning’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar!
What is inclusion really about? Practically speaking, how do we make it happen? These questions were behind the BEST Centre motivation to know more about gender equality and disability inclusion.
Here you will find all documentation,
or training
material about gender,
and intersectionality
produced by Commoning.
Here you will find all documentation, sensitisation or training material about gender, disability and intersectionality produced by Commoning.
Understanding discrimination is the first step to fostering an inclusive workplace: the Diversity Fresco makes this possible without prior knowledge.
Introducing Commoning’s Diversity and Inclusion Calendar!
What is inclusion really about? Practically speaking, how do we make it happen? These questions were behind the BEST Centre motivation to know more about gender equality and disability inclusion.
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Sign up for our eNewsletter to get the latest news and resources ahead of everyone