Trainees holding certificate with trainer Nadege in front of the training building

Gender and disability in vocational education

2019, Nigeria – Training on gender equality and disability inclusion in vocational education and training (Part 2/2)

What is inclusion really about? Practically speaking, how do we make it happen? These questions were behind the BEST Centre motivation to know more about gender equality and disability inclusion.

This article is part of a series. Article 1 was about the training and this is article 2 out of 2.

The Abuja Chambre of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) has established a vocational education and training (VET) Centre. It is called the Business, Entrepreneurship Skills and Technology (BEST) Centre. It runs trainings to improve the business capacities of entrepreneurs and companies.

The BEST Centre realised that it has fewer women enrolled in its programmes than men, and even fewer persons with disabilities. That is why it contacted the VET Toolbox. This is a programme bringing together national development agencies to promote demand-driven and inclusive VET. Through it, the BEST Centre received technical support to strengthen the inclusion of vulnerable groups in VET. That is where Consultant Nadège came into the picture.

In November 2019, a 3-day training was delivered by Nadège. The participants increased their awareness of the needs and rights of girls, women and persons with disabilities. They also got queues on how to create an inclusive study environment, as well as a health and safe VET centre.

This training acted as a starter. The participants required additional support to pursue their efforts towards inclusion. That is why Nadège adapted a manual on gender equality and disability inclusion to the Nigerian context.

The purpose of the manual is to guide:

  • Teachers, trainers and facilitators on how to teach inclusively
  • Administrative and other staffs in creating a user-friendly and accessible VET centre

In practice, when a staff faces a challenge related to inclusion, he or she can open the manual and look through for a hands-on solution. The manual is written in simple language. It lists engaging activities that require very little resources to implement.

The manual is composed of 8 modules:

Module 1Introduce the specific socio-economic challenges and barriers faced by girls, women and persons with disabilities
List the benefits of inclusive VET
Module 2Explain the inclusion theory and the key gender- and disability-related concepts
Module 3Map the legal and policy obligations for inclusive VET at international and Nigerian levels
Module 4List the community and government resources about inclusive VET
Present the process to develop institutional inclusive policies
Module 5Provide instructions on how to create inclusive study environments
Module 6Give practical tips on how to include learners with diverse backgrounds
Module 7Present how to lead positive transition towards inclusion

Download the BEST Centre Gender and Disability Inclusive VET Training Manual

More about the BEST Centre Gender and Disability Inclusion Programme

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